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Expert Contribution

A Day in the Life of a Private Investigator

Newtown Square Friends & Neighbors, October 2023

A day in the life of a private investigator (PI) can vary widely depending on the type of cases they handle, the location they work in and the specific tasks they’re assigned. Here’s a generalized glimpse into what a typical day might look like for a private investigator:


Preparation: The day often starts early, as PIs need to plan their activities for the day. This might involve reviewing case files, organizing equipment, and outlining the tasks to be accomplished.

Client Communication: PIs might start their day by communicating with clients. This could include updating clients on the progress of ongoing investigations, discussing new leads, or clarifying the scope of the investigation.

Surveillance Setup: If a PI is conducting surveillance on a subject, they might begin by setting up their surveillance equipment. This could involve installing hidden cameras, positioning themselves in inconspicuous locations, or using vehicles equipped for surveillance.


Database Research: PIs often spend time researching their subjects using online databases. This could include searching for criminal records, financial information, or any other relevant data that could contribute to the investigation.

Interviews: Depending on the case, a PI might conduct interviews with witnesses, associates, or individuals related to the investigation. These interviews aim to gather additional information or perspectives.

Report Writing: PIs spend a significant amount of time documenting their findings. This involves writing detailed reports that outline their observations, actions taken, and any evidence collected. These reports are crucial for clients, legal purposes, or court testimony.

Evidence Collection: If the PI has gathered evidence during the day, they might process and catalog it. This could include photographs, videos, or other relevant materials that support their findings.

Legal Consultation: PIs often consult with legal professionals who are involved in their cases. This could involve discussing evidence, strategy, or preparing for potential legal proceedings.

Evening/Late Night

Equipment Maintenance: PIs need to maintain their equipment, ensuring that surveillance tools, cameras, and other devices are in proper working condition for the next day’s activities.

Client Updates: Before wrapping up the day, PIs might provide clients with updates on the day’s activities and findings. Clear communication is essential to keep clients informed and reassured.

Planning for Tomorrow: PIs typically end their day by organizing their tasks for the next day. This might involve updating their schedule, preparing equipment, and reviewing any new information that has come in.

It’s important to note that the life of a private investigator can be unpredictable. They might encounter unexpected developments, face challenges during surveillance or need to adapt to changing circumstances. Flexibility, attention to detail and a commitment to ethical and legal practices are essential traits for a successful private investigator.

About The Author

Private Investigation & Security Sercvices
Jeffrey Stein
ELPS Private Detective Agency

Jeffrey Stein is a Licensed Private Investigator, Board Accredited Investigator, Board-Certified Criminal Defense Investigator and the Founder and Owner of ELPS Private Detective Agency. With over 30 years of experience in criminal defense investigations, providing covert surveillance and various other types of investigations for private citizens, legal firms and corporations, ELPS is a one stop shop for all your investigative needs. They handle investigations for child abuse, civil litigation, child custody, infidelity, employee integrity, loss prevention, insurance fraud, domestic matters and government/corporate matters. ELPS is a dynamic team of professionals dedicated to serving the security and investigation needs of businesses & individuals.

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