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Expert Contribution

Fall Pruning and Stocking Up On Firewood

Newtown Square Friends & Neighbors, August 2023

Fall is right around the corner, so it’s time to think about fall pruning and stocking up on wood for the cooler temps.

Fall Pruning

Timing – Aim to prune your trees and shrubs during late fall or early winter, after they have entered dormancy. This timing helps minimize stress on the plants and promotes healthy growth in the following spring.

Tool Preparation – Ensure your pruning tools, such as shears, loppers and saws, are clean and sharp. Dull tools can cause damage to the plants and make pruning less effective.

Remove Dead and Diseased Branches – Begin by removing any dead, damaged or diseased branches. This helps prevent the spread of diseases and encourages the plant’s overall health.

Prune for Structure – Evaluate the shape and structure of the plant, and prune to improve its form. Remove any crossing or rubbing branches and those that compete for space. Create a balanced framework by maintaining a central leader or main trunk.

Thinning and Reduction – If needed, selectively thin out excessive growth to improve airflow and light penetration. Additionally, you can reduce the height or width of the plant by cutting back certain branches.

Research – Different plants have specific pruning requirements. Familiarize yourself with the pruning techniques and considerations for the specific trees or shrubs you have in your garden. Some plants may require minimal pruning, while others may need more extensive care.

Stocking Up on Firewood

Choose the Right Wood – Opt for hardwoods like oak, maple or ash, as they provide longer-lasting and more efficient fires compared to softwoods. Hardwoods generally burn slower and produce more heat.

Proper Storage – Find a dry and well-ventilated location to store your firewood. A woodshed or a covered area with raised flooring is ideal for protecting the wood from rain, snow and ground moisture. Stack the wood loosely to encourage air circulation.

Check for Dryness – Before using the firewood, check its dryness by inspecting the ends of the logs. Dry wood will exhibit cracks and splits, while green or wet wood will appear smoother and contain more moisture.

Quantity – Estimate the amount of firewood you’ll need for the season based on your usage and heating requirements. It’s better to have slightly more than you need to ensure you won’t run out during colder months.

Stay safe, follow best practices and enjoy the benefits of well-maintained trees and a cozy fire during the fall and winter seasons.

About The Author

Tree Care and Inspection
Mike Bradley
Bradley Tree Experts

Bradley Tree Experts is a family-owned and operated business based in Broomall, PA. For over 40 years, long-time Marple Newtown resident Mike Bradley, Owner of Bradley Tree Experts, has been servicing Delaware County and the Main Line. From tree pruning to tree removal, stump grinding and firewood, Bradley Tree has you covered. All estimates are free and are done by Mike Bradley, so you’ll know you’re getting the most knowledgeable person in the company and he can answer any questions you may have. Mike and his crew specialize in spotless clean-up, and they go that extra mile to protect customers’ property while completing each job. Looking for firewood? We have it available for delivery year-round! At Bradley Tree Experts, we are “Large Enough to Serve, Small Enough to Care!”

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